Day 9 Summer Sailing Update!

Hi Everyone! This is Coach Isa, one of the Mercury Mentor coaches, back again to fill you in on one of the last days of the first session.

Mercury Mentors

Coach Dae put the kids to a “Parts of the Boat” test allowing them to show what they’ve learned this session. In preparation for Friday Night Fun Racing, the kids were introduced to the basics of racing. Using their knowledge they raced with the 420 fleet, each getting the chance to steer a race.

Beginner Opti

In the morning, Beginner Opti was able to perfect their upwind sailing by learning the proper way to read their sail. Despite it being a hard concept, the kids grasped the idea for both tacks showing Coach Chase and Coach Kenna that they are ready for Race Day. Using the upwind triangle course they were able to improve on using their tell tales, knowing the correct sail shape, and steering. In the afternoon, based on their morning performance, they were able to cool off with a trip to the Cove. The Cove allowed them to practice sailing in a more wind protected area due to the conditions and take a dip in the water!

Green Fleet

Today Coach Sharon taught, and worked on, the three amigos: sail, weight, and rudder. One at a time, the kids would single out each amigo, allowing them to experiment with studying the cause and effect of each. In the afternoon, all three were put together for optimum performance on a boomerang race course.


With Coach John thoroughly teaching the rules of racing, in the morning, the kids were able to get in many races for Friday Night Fun Racing. In the afternoon, the breeze picked up having the kids show off their hiking skills!

Worlds Team Race Clinic

Wrapped up the clinic with a race day, the conditions were gorgeous with 10-12 knots. Thank you to our fleet captain Carl Hill for volunteering as our Principal Race Officer. This was a great week of training and we wish our friends good luck in Antigua! You can follow them live at